< Previouswww.mepmiddleeast.com 10 MEP Middle East | January 2025www.mepmiddleeast.com -- “A so lid tec hnica l ba ckgro und is a sprin gboa rd for succe ss in any func tion” – Srinivasan Rangan, Senior Direc tor of Engineering , Taqeef p16 p18 “Real -time monit oring , advanc ed data logging , and AI-d riven opt imisa tion aren ’t futu ristic concept s any more , the y’re nec essities ” – Bart Van Bastela ere, Managing Direc tor, GF Cory s “Sust ainab ility isn’t just a goa l—it nee ds to be a core part of how the entir e valu e chai n opera tes” – Mahesh Ramanujam, President and CEO , Glob al Netw ork for Zero p42 “While man y co untries ha ve int roduc ed regulat ions to manage cons tructi on noise , enfor cement r emains inc onsis tent” – Paul Schwar z, Techn ical and Mana ging Direc tor, Duba i Acou stic Rese arch Labo ratory p30 MEP_Jan2025_10_Word of Mouth_13486483.indd 1022/12/2024 08:20Untitled-2 122/12/2024 09:04IN PICTURES www.mepmiddleeast.com 12 MEP Middle East | January 2025www.mepmiddleeast.com ONE RIVER POINT MEP_Jan2025_12-13_In Pictures_13479457.indd 1222/12/2024 08:27IN PICTURES www.mepmiddleeast.comJanuary 2025 | MEP Middle East 13 www.mepmiddleeast.com MEP_Jan2025_12-13_In Pictures_13479457.indd 1322/12/2024 08:27A TREASURE OF KNOWLEDGE AND INDUSTRY INSIGHTS AWAITS UH OH, THE REST IS ONLY FOR SUBSCRIBERS SCAN BELOW TO JOIN THE EXCLUSIVE COMMUNITY MEPME2024_HouseAD_MobileDesign.indd 103/09/2024 11:325 THINGS TO KNOW www.mepmiddleeast.comJanuary 2025 | MEP Middle East 15 www.mepmiddleeast.com THE MUKAAB 1 The Mukaab, a $50 billion architectural marvel, has offi cially broken ground in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Envisioned as the centrepiece of the 19-square-kilometre Murabba district, Riyadh’s future downtown, the project marks another bold step in Saudi Arabia’s urban transformation under Vision 2030. 2 Standing at 400 metres tall, 400 metres wide, and 400 metres long, the Mukaab will be a perfect cube, housing an ‘interior city’ across two million square metres of fl oor space. This geometric design makes it the largest building in the world by volume and footprint. 3 The building’s façade incorporates a modern interpretation of Najdi architecture, refl ecting Saudi Arabia’s cultural heritage. Sustainability is a core focus, with plans for innovative technologies, renewable energy, and resource effi ciency to minimise its environmental impact. 4 Inside, the Mukaab will feature over 100,000 residential units, 9,000 hotel rooms, 980,000 square metres of retail space, 1.4 million square metres of offi ce space, and a towering spiral staircase atrium at its core. The Murabba district is expected to house a museum, a technology and design university, and various entertainment and cultural venues, cementing Riyadh’s status as a global hub for innovation and tourism. 5 Set to add SAR180 billion to Saudi Arabia’s non-oil GDP, the Mukaab and New Murabba project are poised to create over 334,000 jobs and establish Riyadh as a top destination for commerce and tourism. MEP_Jan2025_15_FIVE THINGS TO KNOW - THE MUKAAB_13486958.indd 1522/12/2024 08:28XXXXX www.mepmiddleeast.com 16 MEP Middle East | January 2025www.mepmiddleeast.com Srinivasan Rangan MEP_Jan2025_16-17_Seven things I learned_13483474.indd 1622/12/2024 08:32SEVEN THINGS I LEARNED www.mepmiddleeast.comJanuary 2025 | MEP Middle East 17 www.mepmiddleeast.com Transitioning between roles has broadened my skillset. The key to growth is not to lose the knowledge and skills you’ve acquired but to continually build on them. A solid technical background is a springboard for success in any function. The ability to communicate and infl uence others shapes your career. Deliver impactful presentations, build a strong network, and nurture relationships. Success hinges on the value you bring and the strength of your connections. Always prioritise team goals over personal achievements. Work experience isn’t just about accumulating years; it’s about developing expertise. Becoming a specialist rather than a generalist is far more rewarding. Embracing continuous learning and never hesitating to ask questions is very important for growth. In the Middle East, communication can be misinterpreted despite the best intentions. Integrity in verbal and written communication is crucial. Align your thoughts, actions, and results. A mentor once taught me: focus on how you present yourself, what you say, and how you say it, while delivering results to build trust and credibility. Projec t success depends on understanding customer needs, market dynamics, competition, and key stakeholders. It also requires managing schedules, f inancial budgets, and regulatory compliance. Adopting a “Win-Win+1” mindset fosters mutual success, while serving as a trusted advisor builds long- term partnerships. In the business world, “time to market” often defi nes success. Stand out by consistently delivering high-impact results that highlight your capability and dedication. A corporate career can be a roller coaster, but success feels empty w i t hou t happiness. Balance professional achievements with quality time for family, hobbies, exercise, and sports to fi nd true fulfi llment. “Work experience isn’t just about accumulating years; it’s about developing expertise” THINGS I LEARNED MEP_Jan2025_16-17_Seven things I learned_13483474.indd 1722/12/2024 08:33COVER STORY www.mepmiddleeast.com 18 MEP Middle East | January 2025www.mepmiddleeast.com MEP_Jan2025_18-23_Cover story_13481607.indd 1822/12/2024 08:36PARTNER CONTENT www.mepmiddleeast.comJanuary 2025 | MEP Middle East 19 www.mepmiddleeast.com When Bart Van Bastelaere stepped into the role of Managing Director at GF Corys in November 2023, he entered a company at the nexus of heritage and innovation. For nearly half a century, the Middle East-based firm had pioneered plastic piping solutions, first under the Corys name, then through a forward-looking joint venture with Swiss engineering giant Georg Fischer (GF). Now, as GF Corys celebrates its one-year anniversary under Van Bastelaere’s leadership, the company’s trajectory—built on blending local expertise with international pedigree—is positioned for new heights. “I accepted the opportunity in April 2023, initially supporting the M&A process between GF and Corys,” Van Bastelaere recalls. “When GF Corys was born on 1 November, I was honoured to be appointed Managing Director and present our mission, ‘Together To Tomorrow.’” This mission encapsulates the company’s ambition: not simply to sell products, but to shape a future of sustainability, innovation, and seamless project execution. Van Bastelaere’s experience leading GF Piping Systems’ Belgian sales operations prepared him for the challenges that lay ahead. In Belgium, he managed a focused sales company offering industrial and infrastructure solutions, as well as service work such as welding machine calibration and small-scale prefabrication. Yet the scale and complexity of GF Corys in the Middle East was a different proposition altogether. “What inspired me most was the scale of the business,” he says. “Not only in sales, but strong operational activities like production, warehousing, logistics, and a high- performing prefabrication shop. Add to that the cultural mix—more than 20 nationalities working together—and the incredible growth potential in this fast-moving region.” As a leader, Van Bastelaere operates with the guiding principle that understanding the full picture is essential. He draws from three decades of industry experience in sales, marketing, and product management, but also from personal lessons. “As a father of three children, I’ve learnt the importance of listening, of understanding others’ needs, and encouraging them to enjoy life while maintaining principles,” he says. “Apply the same approach as a leader: commit, prioritise, engage with people, and SUSTAINABILITY IN MOTION Under Managing Director Bart Van Bastelaere, GF Corys fuses Swiss heritage and digital innovation to shape a smarter, more sustainable piping landscape in the Middle East By Angitha Pradeep MEP_Jan2025_18-23_Cover story_13481607.indd 1923/12/2024 16:00Next >