ISSUE 40 Suzi Fadel Nassif ’s search for hope amid adversity REBUILDING LEBANON’S ART SCENE BY GUEST EDITOR CAROLINE LOUCA -KIRKLAND AED 30 OMR 3 BHD 3 KWD 2.5 LBP 20,000 INCLUSIVE OF VAT Tr a g e d y & BEAUTY HBA_040_00_Cover_11376463.indd 101/10/2020 05:21:06 PMUntitled-1 101/10/2020 11:25:16 AM3 Autumn 2020 3 3333 33 33 HaHaHaHaHaaHaHaHaaaaaarrarHaHaHaHaHaaaarrHaHaarrraraarrrrararrrarrrararrrrrrararaaaarraaaaarraarrrraaaarrrraaaaarrrraaaarararHaaaraaaaraaaraararrrraaaarraaaaarrrraaaaaaaarrrrraaaaaaarrrraaaaaaarrrrrrraaaaarrrrrppperperperperpepepepepepepeeepeereerrrrrrrrpppepepperppppepepeepeeerrrrppepepppperrrrrpppepeeerrrrrppppppperrrrrrrpeppeeerrrpppppeepeerrrrrppppppepeperrrrrpppeperrrrppppperrrppepeperrrrrerrrpperrerrrrrrppeerrrrpperrrrrppeperpppppppppppppppp sssBsBaBaBaBBaBaBBBBaBBaBaBasBaBsBBaBBsBaBaBaBaBaassBasBasBaBaBBaBaBaBaBaBaassBaBBsBasBaBaBasssBBBaBasBsBaBaBaBasssBaBBBsBaBaBaBassBaBaBasBaBaBassBsBaBaBaasBaBaasBaBBasBasBaBBaBaBassssssBaBaBaBBBaasssBaBBassBasBBaasBaaasssBBaaaassssBaaaaasssBBBBaaasssBaBasssBBBBBasBasBaaasssBBaaaasss aaaaaassssBBaaasssBaaazzzzzzzaaaaaazaaaaaazzzzzazaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazaazaazzzzzzaaaaaaaaaaaazaazzzzzzaaaaaaaaaaaaazaaaaazzazazazaaaaaaaaaaaaazzzzaaaaazzzazzzzaaaaaaaaaaazzzzzzzzzaaaazazaaaazzzzzzzaaaaaaaaazazzzazzzaaaaaaazaazzzaaaazaazzzzzzzaaazaaaaazaazzzzaaaaazzzzzazzzzzaazaaazzazazzzz azzzzzaazaarArrArArArrArArAArArrArrArArrArArAArAArArArAAAArArArrArrArrArArrArrArrArArAArrAAArArArArAAAAAArrAArrArArArArrAAAAArArrrAAAArArrArArArrAAArArrrAAAAArrrrArrAAAArArrAArAArAAAArrrrrArArrrArArAArrrrAAArrrrArArrrrAAArArrrrAAAArArArrrrrrrrrAAAAAAArrrrrAAAAArrrrrrArrAAAAAArrrrAAAAArrrrrAAAAAAAAArArrrrrrAAAAAArrrAArrrrAAAArrrAAAAAAAArabiababiabiabiabababababbabiabibiabiabibiabiabibiabiabababiababiabibiababbbiabbibiababiiababbiababiibiiaabiiiabibiiiabiabbiiiiabiiiiiaabiiiabibiibiiabibiabbiiibbabiiabiiabaabiiiaaaabbiiabiiabiiaaabiiaaaa iaaaaabbiiaabiaaa cccccca.ccaaaaa cccccccaaaaa ccccccccca.caa cccccccca.cccaaa ccccccccccaaa ccccccccaaaa cccccccccaaaa.ccccccccaaa.cccccccca.cccccaaa..ccccccccccoomomoomommmm/m/m/m/m/omom/m/m/m/ooooooomoooooommooooooooooooooooomooooooooom///ooooom/ooom/m/ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooomoooomooooooooo /oooooooooooomoom CulCulCululCulCulullCulCulCuCulCulCulCulCulCu turturturturtuturturturturturturturuurutttu eeeeeee//////A/A/A/A/AAAAAAAeee/////A/AAAe////A/AAA///AAA//AA/Aee/e///A/A/e Ae/AAe/AAAAAAe Aee//e//AAe/A/ rtrtrtrrr AutAutAutAutAuttttttutttttttumnumumnuumnmnumumnumnumnumnmnumnumnumnumumu20222020202220202002000022 20202020200202220222220 WELCOME TO THE ISSUE “If you ask me what I came to do in this world, I, an artist, will answer you: I am here to live out loud” - Émile Zola Suzi Fadel Nassif. Rebirth . 2020. Acrylic and gold leaf on canvas. Courtesy of the artist HBA_040_003_Welcome_11378825.indd 301/10/2020 05:23:22 AR AB IA A sculpture by De Wain Valentine. Courtesy of the artist From exclusive interviews with prolific industry leaders to pioneering names that are prompting us to see the world around us in new ways, Harper’s Bazaar Art is your ultimate guide to the constantly evolving art scene. Follow @HarpersBazaarArt on Instagram to stay on top of the newest stories from the region and beyond. Soci a l NE T WOR K HBA-HouseAD-instagram.indd 401/10/2020 06:43:25 PMRoger Moukarzel. The Power of love. 1986-2019. Inkjet print on fl ex. 260x187cm. © Roger Moukarzel. Courtesy of Arthaus Beirut HARPER’S BAZAAR ART EDITORIAL EDITOR IN CHIEF OLIVIA PHILLIPS DEPUTY EDITOR AYESHA S. SHEHMIR GUEST EDITOR CAROLINE LOUCA-KIRKLAND ART DIRECTOR RITA GHANTOUS CONTRIBUTORS ODELIA MATHEWS, NOUR HASSAN, CYNTHIA JREIGE, HANIA AFIFI, NADA AL-SAID AND MORE EDITORIAL INTERNS ATHWIFA SALEEM, IMAN VAKIL AND REEFAYA NOORTAJ GENERAL EDITORIAL ENQUIRIES TEL: +971 (0)4 444 3000 EMAIL: AYESHA.SOHAIL@ITP.COM ITP MEDIA GROUP CEO ALI AKAWI MANAGING DIRECTOR SUE HOLT ITP GROUP CEO ALI AKAWI CFO TOBY JAY SPENCER-DAVIES EDITOR-AT-LARGE MARY SERAFIN ITP PHOTOGRAPHY DEPARTMENT IMAGE EDITOR JEMIMA JOY SENIOR PHOTOGRAPHERS EFRAIM EVIDOR, RICHARD HALL, ETHAN MANN STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS LESTER APUNTAR, AASIYAH JAGADEESH, AJITH NARENDRA, RUEL PABLEO, AUSRA OSIPAVICIUTE, GRACE GUINO, FRITZ ASURO ADVERTISING ADVERTISING DIRECTOR FARRAH TAYLOR TEL: +971 4 444 3523 SENIOR ADVERTISEMENT MANAGER RABAB HASAN MARKETING & CIRCULATION RETAIL MANAGER PRAVEEN NAIR PRODUCTION & DISTRIBUTION GROUP PRODUCTION & DISTRIBUTION DIRECTOR KYLE SMITH PRODUCTION MANAGER DENNY KOLLANNOOR PRODUCTION COORDINATOR GIJO THOMAS HEARST MAGAZINES INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT/CEO DUNCAN EDWARDS SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT/CFO AND GENERAL MANAGER SIMON HORNE SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT/DIRECTOR OF LICENSING AND BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT GAUTAM RANJI SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT/ INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING DIRECTOR JEANNETTE CHANG SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT/EDITORIAL DIRECTOR KIM ST. CLAIR BODDEN EXECUTIVE EDITOR TONY GERVINO FASHION AND ENTERTAINMENT DIRECTOR KRISTEN INGERSOLL INTERNATIONAL EDITIONS EDITOR ELEONORE MARCHAND ASSOCIATE INTERNATIONAL EDITIONS EDITOR BRUNI PADILLA INTERNATIONAL EDITORS IN CHIEF ARGENTINA ANA TORREJON AUSTRALIA KELLIE HUSH BRAZIL MARIA PRATA BULGARIA MILENA ALEKSIEVA CHINA SU MANG CZECH REPUBLIC BARBARA NESVADBOVA GREECE EVA NISIOTI HONG KONG XAVEN MAK INDONESIA RIA LIRUNGAN KAZAKHSTAN ALEXEY KAZAKOV KOREA MIKYUNG JEON MALAYSIA NATASHA KRAAL ROMANIA ANDREI IOVU RUSSIA DARIA VELEDEEVA SINGAPORE LAURE CLARKE JESNSEN SPAIN MELANIA PAN TAIWAN ELAINE LIAO THAILAND DUANG POSHYANONDA TURKEY EDA GOKLU UKRAINE NATALYA GUZENKO UNITED KINGDOM JUSTINE PICARDIE UNITED STATES GLENDA BAILEY VIETNAM NGUYEN THUY LINH The publishers regret that they cannot accept liability for error or omissions contained in this publication, however caused. The opinions and views contained in this publication are not necessarily those of the publishers. Readers are advised to seek specialist advice before acting on information contained in this publication, which is provided for general use and may not be appropriate for the reader’s particular circumstances. The ownership of trademarks is acknowledged. No part of this publication or any part of the contents thereof may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form without the permission of the publishers in writing. An exemption is hereby granted for extracts used for the purpose of fair review. Published and distributed monthly by Licensee ITP Consumer Publishing Ltd by permission of Hearst Communications Inc, New York, United States of America. 5 Autumn 2020 HBA_040_004_Masthead_11384725.indd 501/10/2020 05:24:02 PMFrom exclusive interviews with prolifi c industry leaders, to pioneering names that are prompting us to see the world around us in new ways through a design that bridges culture and art, Harper’s Bazaar Interiors is your ultimate guide to luxury living. Follow @HarpersBazaarInteriors on Instagram to keep up to date on the design- led stories from the region and beyond. Social NE T WOR K From exclusive interviews with prolifi c industry leaders, to pioneering names that are prompting us to see the world around us in new ways through a design that bridges culture and art, Harper’s Bazaar Interiors is your ultimate guide to luxury living. Follow @HarpersBazaarInteriors on Instagram to keep up to date on the design-led stories from the region and beyond. Soci a l NE T WOR K Autumn 2020 ust twelve months into my new role at the world’s leading auction house, the world collectively is managing the global threat of COVID-19. In addition to its human toll, this new reality has fl ipped the art business on its head, with auctions, exhibitions, shows and art fairs all postponed until further notice. Fast forward six months and we successfully hosted ‘One: A Global Sale of the 20th Century’ the fi rst global online sale run simultaneously between New York, London, Paris and Hong Kong, reinforcing the appetite of the art market. The positive news is our industry has become more nimble and our strategies for the future are not determined by precedent or the confi nes of norms. The rise in online auctions has seen an outstanding uptake in new clients, with many emerging collectors making their fi rst art purchases through the digital platform. This year presented an opportunity to refl ect on the strategy for our sales. The transition of Christie’s Middle Eastern Modern & Contemporary auction online starts up our autumn season with a fresh approach, in alignment with the evolving and maturing regional market, whilst focusing on trends and strong-quality works, as well as a new design section in line with collector demand. There is a message of hope and solidarity shown by the industry in supporting Beirut’s art community through our charity auction ‘We Are All Beirut’. The response from the world’s cultural communities has been humbling, underscoring how art brings people together and remains a critical foundation in a nation’s identity and heritage. There is so much to savour in this edition of Harper’s Bazaar Art, which highlights a much- anticipated autumn cultural season and the vibrant and resilient nature of our industry in the face of unexpected change. It was a day like any other; sun was shining, passersby admiring art through clean windows, residents planning out their week and waking up to the liveliness and beauty of their city. Hotels were in the midst of opening (Page 104) and exhibitions were set to take place. Then, life as they knew it, fl ipped with a blink of an eye. The August 4 explosions in Beirut left thousands wounded and up to 300,000 without a home. Shockwaves spread rapidly throughout the streets, a sombre cloud of citywide red smoke gloomed over the sky, windows were fi ercely shattered, leaving the victims, and us, utterly speechless, helpless, heartbroken. The roads, fi lled with broken glass and piles of debris, were cleaned up by residents and as for the art scene, Sursock Museum, Sfeir-Semler Gallery, Mark Hachem Gallery, Marfa Gallery, Galerie Tanit, ARTLAB and Opera Gallery are just a few left devastated by the horrifi c blasts, some suffering irreparable damage. Several initiatives have been launched to provide relief to the cultural community since then, such as charity auction We Are All Beirut (Page 62) by Christie’s, aiming to raise above half a million dollars to help rebuild the city. The tragedies of 2020 shook artists all over the world, but as poet Shane Koyczan once said, “If your heart is broken, make art with the pieces.” Our cover star, Lebanese artist Suzi Fadel Nassif (Page 28) has done just that and adopted distortion art, contrary to her typical portraiture work. Never-before-seen Embrace (2020) graces this issue’s cover, symbolising the fear of the unknown. But the eyes, haunting as they are, glimmer with hope and promise. “Tragedy has no other medicine but hope,” says Suzi. Resilience, a key theme celebrated throughout the issue, is what the world must embrace now more than ever. Suzi’s new work Rebirth (2020) represents humanity’s undying quest for hope: a woman is pregnant with unscathed, colourful buildings and pillars of hope; a happier Beirut is coming. We are not helpless, we are hopeful. And in solidarity, we are unstoppable. We all stand with you Beirut, you will rise again. ISSUE 40 Suzi Fadel Nassif ’s search for hope amid adversitySuzi Fadel Nassif ’s search for hope amid adversity REBUILDING LEBANON’S ART SCENE B Y G U E S T E D I T O R C A R O L I N E L O U C A - K I R K L A N DBY GUEST EDITOR CAROLINE LOUCA -KIRKLAND AED 30 OMR 3 BHD 3 KWD 2.5 LBP 20,000 INCLUSIVE OF VAT Tr a g e d y & BEAUTY HBA_040_00_Cover_11376463.indd 130/09/2020 05:19:33 PM ON THE COVER Suzi Fadel Nassif. Embrace. 2020. Acrylic on canvas. 80x100cm. Courtesy of the artist AYESHA S. SHEHMIR DEPUTY EDITOR @ayeshasohail_ CAROLINE LOUCA-KIRKLAND MANAGING DIRECTOR, CHRISTIE’S MIDDLE EAST J eason and the vibrant and resilient nature unexpected change. ny other; sun wass shining, passersby admiring art idlih ikdki UNWAVERING RESILIENCE Editor’s LETTER HBA_040_006_Ed's Letter_11383300.indd 701/10/2020 05:25:02 PM8 Autumn 2020 CONTENTS ART NEWS LATEST ART TALES 10 Tchotchke Gallery’s inaugural exhibition, a new virtual art program at NYUAD, Future Galerie hosts online art auctions for social justice organisations and more IN CONVERSATION 24 With art dealer and entrepreneur Edward Tyler Nahem THE FEATURES THE ARTIST 28 Lebanese artist Suzi Fadel Nassif ’s hauntingly beautiful works 38 The life and works of Miami-based artist Jason Seife 46 Alymamah Rashed’s artworks marry surrealism and folklore in a post-internet generation 54 Figurative painter Jemisha Maadhavji on self-acceptance SPECIAL FEATURE 62 Christie’s presents an online art auction to help rebuild Lebanon’s art and cultural scene, Dirk Boll discusses art collecting in a post-pandemic world and more THE COLLECTOR 76 Inside avid art collector and founder of Le Marais 101 Zina Khair’s eclectic home with artworks dating back to the ’80s LA PHOTOGRAPHIE 80 Ugandan photographer Zarina Bhimji’s works seek literal and abstract manifestations 82 British photographer Sohail Karmani on building connections and breaking perceptions HBA_040_08-09_Contents_11378824.indd 801/10/2020 05:25:33 PM9 Autumn 2020 CONTENTS THE FILM CONCRETE DREAMS 86 Film director Saba Khan shares the meaning behind her debut documentary fi lm THE PREVIEW THAWING THE MINIATURE 88 Pera Museum’s new exhibition explores contemporary miniaturists in the MENASA region THE REVIEW A HYBRID AFFAIR 92 Frieze 2020 introduces a hybrid online and offl ine gallery presentation, allowing for global participation MYSELVES 94 LA-based Kohn Gallery presents a roster of international artists spanning four continents at the forefront of traditional media STUDIO VISIT PAINTERLY TRANSITIONS 98 We step inside Palestinian artist Samia Halaby’s ethereal studio in New York City’s Tribeca TALKING ART 102 If art could speak, what would it say? ART ESCAPE A CALL FOR HOPE 104 Lebanon’s boutique hotel Arthaus Beirut launches an exhibition called Beirut Year Zero to help victims of the recent blasts LAST LOOK ART IN TIMES OF A VIRUS 106 Writer, curator and cultural historian Omar Kholeif discusses the future of art in the wake of the ongoing pandemic Ethan Stuart. Transmigration of a Frog’s soul. 2020. Acrylic on canvas. Courtesy of the artist and Future Galerie HBA_040_08-09_Contents_11378824.indd 901/10/2020 05:25:41 PMNext >