M A NAG I NG DIREC TOR Marne Schwartz CRE AT I V E DIREC TO R Dané Stojanovic VICE PR ESIDENT Farrah Taylor EDITORIAL DIREC TOR Alison Tay H E A D O F YO U N G WOM E N ' S L I FE S T Y L E Milli Midwood DEPUT Y EDITO R Olivia Morris BE AU T Y EDITO R Frankie Jabarkhyl FA S H ION FA SHION DIREC TOR Anna Castan FA SHION DIREC TOR Aileen Marr FA SHION DIREC TOR Kim Payne SENIOR FA SHION EDITO R Nour Bou Ezz SENIOR FA SHION EDITO R Laura Jane Brown FA SHION EDITO R Imogene Legrand J UNIOR FA SHION & M A RKE T EDITO R Charlotte Marsh-Williams ART ART DIREC TOR Haya Al-Sharif ART DIREC TOR Agata Wycichowska ART DIREC TOR Gihane Youssef ART DIREC TOR Kimberlee Kessler PRODUC T ION EXECUTIVE PRO D U CE R Jean-Marc Mondelet SENIOR PRODUCER Steff Hawker COMMUNIC ATIONS M A NAGER Johana V. Dana EDI TOR IAL Jessica Bailey Drew Jones Alissa Thomas Ruth Yizengaw Quinn Catabui Benjamen Judd Ava Gilchrist Pema Bakshi Divya Venkataraman Isa Ali Amana Abdulla PA RT N E R S H I PS & COM M E RCI A L ENQU I R I ES Nadia Musa, nadia.musa@itp.com Garineh Torossian, garineh.Torossian@itp.com I T P M EDI A G ROU P CEO Ali Akawi CFO Toby Jay Spencer-Davies PRODUC TI ON M A NAG E R Gijo Thomas Published by ITP Media Group FZ-LLC © 2024. GRAZIA is a trademark registered and owned by Reworld Media Italia Srl. Reworld Media Italia Srl Chairman Gautier Normand; Member of the Board of Directors Stéphane Haitaian; Chief Executive Of cer Daniela Sola; International Marketing Manager Francesca Brambilla For further details, please write to graziainternational@reworldmedia.com © 2024 Reworld Media Italia Srl. All rights reserved. Published by ITP Media Group FZ-LLC with the permission of Reworld Media Italia Srl. Reproduction in any manner in any language in whole or in part without prior written permission is prohibited. GME_011_002_Masthead_13402929.indd 201/10/2024 20:39AE-Boucheron-Quatre-Anniversary-2409-Grazia-230x300mm.indd 112/09/2024 12:54GR A Z IA E D ITI ON 1 1 KALEIDOSCOPE TRAD ITIO N MEE TS TREN D – PAGE 16 COMMON GROUND – PAGE 26 BLO W BY BLO W – PAG E 34 TH E SE NS OR Y PA LE TTE – PAG E 46 MIRROR –M IRROR – PA GE 50 TH E GOLDE N R ATIO – PA GE 72 A S A BO V E, S O B EL O W – PA GE 78 N E W S C EN TS O F D IR E C TI O N – PA G E 8 4 T H E L A N G UAG E O F F L OW ER S – PA G E 9 0 C U LT UR AL C O NTINUIT Y – PA G E 9 6 SC E N T- SOR Y O V E R LO A D – PA G E 10 4 O A SIS OF ORIGINS – PA GE 118 TH E F O RG O TTE N P ATH – PA GE 162 PRIDE . PASS ION. PERS ISTENC E. – PAGE 220 BEFO RE YOU LEAV E THE HOU SE, TAKE A LOO K IN THE MIRR OR… – PAGE 240 CHRO MECAST – PAGE 272 THE HIDDE N PORTA L – PAGE 286 PRICKLY PIECES– PAGE 314 TH E C O O LE ST G IR L IN T H E R O O M – PA GE 14 2 A N IC O N R E IM A G IN E D - PA G E 8 2 COSMIC TRAILS– PAGE 302 ART RENEGA DES – PAGE 30 LIGH T FRAC TUR ES – PAGE 330 MORE THAN IT SEAMS – PAGE 20 LO U D LU XU RY – PA GE 68 TH E KE FFIY EH TH RO UG H TH E AG ES – PA GE 10 WO RDS WIT H FR IEN DS – PAG E 40 KALE ID O SC O PE VI SION – PA GE 196 TH E AR TIS T’ S W AY – PA GE 54 GME_011_004_Contents_13391580.indd 402/10/2024 20:426GRAZIAMA GAZINE. COM Th ings are not always what they seem; a cliché statement, but true in many aspects. And fi ttingly so for the theme of issue 11 of GRAZIA: Kaleidoscope. A device coined in the 1800s, its exterior is a simplistic tube but when you look through its eyepiece a wonder of pattern, colour, refl ection and light awaits – arguably, not what you’d expect. Derived from the Greek language ‘kalos’ translates to ‘beautiful’, ‘eidos’ means ‘shape’, and ‘skopeō’ translates as ‘to look’. In all its mechanical simplicity, the kaleidoscope is able to evoke a sense of wonder, marvel, imagination and curiosity. Indeed, it is an apt concept to delve into amongst this issue’s 330 or so pages, where GRAZIA invites you to look beyond what is in front of you. Take one of our three cover stars, Amy Roko, for example. In my conversation with her, which you can read on page 142, she was candid, forthright and, above all, seriously cool. Perhaps it’s part of a persona she’s built up through her decade-long online career, but it’s more so there’s just much more than meets the eye. A force for change in the entertainment space in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Amy’s outspoken and comedic personality isn’t something you synonymously align with wearing the niqab, which in the West is often regarded as a piece of clothing representing patriarchal power and the subjugation of women. For her, she simply saw her mother wearing it and was like, “Yo, I’ll wear it too.” “I don’t view myself wearing it, when I’m with my friends. I don’t think of myself as ‘the niqabi one’. I’m just… I’m just the coolest girl in the room, baby,” she jokingly said to me on our Zoom call back in July, all the while being absolutely spot on. Th is issue we also see Riyadh-born artist Tamtam on the cover. Quiet and reserved in nature, she’s a growing force on the Saudi music scene both regionally and globally, and is someone who is here to make a statement. Take her song ‘Drive’, released in 2018, just around the same time the decree was passed for Saudi women to be allowed to drive. An homage to the women of the Kingdom, the track has more nuance to it than being simply about legislation. “It’s a play on words with driving, because I really feel like Saudi women do have drive, and you can see that,” Tamtam explained in her chat. “You’ve seen it the whole time, since before women could drive. But even now, especially with everything happening, you see women working all over Saudi.” Further afi eld, GRAZIA welcomes internationally acclaimed pop star Becky G as our fi nal cover star, in a shoot lensed by the talented Kristian Schuller. Meanwhile, on page 10, Palestinian writer Maya Abuali takes a deep dive into the history of the keffi yeh, which has become a kaleidoscope of cultural identity in the region over the years. Its geometric patterns and bold colours refl ect the rich heritage of not only Palestine, but in the Levant, Saudi Arabia and Iraq. Closer to home in the UAE, on page 16, I spoke with some of the most infl uential and inspiring women of the region – Amina Taher, Sheikha Dr. Dalal Al Maktoum, and Marriam Mossalli, to name a few – about the changing patterns of traditional dress for women in the GCC and how they embrace tradition with trends, holding a diff erent meaning for diff erent people. It’s a staunch reminder that, like a kaleidoscope, there’s always more to it than meets the eye, if we only take the time to look. OLIVIA MORRIS @LIVIAMORRIS OLIVIA. MORRIS@ITP.COM MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE GME_011_006_EdsLetter_Liv_13404653.indd 601/10/2024 20:47Serpenti Tubogas Double-spiral Watch in Rose Gold with Diamonds, BVLGARI GME_011_007_Still_13403642.indd 701/10/2024 20:45Next >