< Previous50 MAY 2024 | THE LAST WORD | BREAKING FREE FROM CONSTRUCTION DELAYS WITH AI-POWERED DECISION SUPPORT Y ou’ve probably been bombarded with the mantra that your data is the new gold standard, a treasure trove of untapped potential waiting to revolutionise your operations. Well, brace yourself for a reality check: your data, as it sits, isn’t worth a dime. In fact, it’s dead, lying inert and unutilised, while you’re missing out on what could be the opportunity of a lifetime. With each project that passes by, unenlightened by the wealth of data at your fi ngertips, you’re not just standing still; you’re regressing, losing ground to the frontrunners in the industry, who understand the true value of data utilisation. Let’s face it, a staggering 95.5% of your data is collecting digital dust. Think about that for a moment. In a world teeming with data, where industries across the board—from power stations to parking structures— are leveraging their information to gain a competitive edge, the construction sector seems content to sit on a goldmine, doing nothing. This isn’t just a missed opportunity; it’s akin to watching a fortune evaporate before your eyes. DON’T JUST HOARD DATA The irony is palpable. An eagerness to safeguard this so-called ‘valuable’ asset results in blindness to the real opportunity—putting it to use. There’s a misconception that hoarding data, locking it away in digital vaults, somehow adds to its value. In reality, the value of data is realised only when it’s actively employed to make informed decisions, optimise processes, and drive innovation. Take Suff olk Construction, for example. They’re not content to just sit on their data, treating it like a fragile relic to be admired from afar. They’ve instead built a world-class data team led by Jit Kee Chin dedicated to weaving this data into the fabric of their decision-making processes. Their data isn’t a static asset; it’s a dynamic, infl uential force that’s called upon precisely when it’s needed most. Similarly, companies like Burns & McDonnell and Goldbeck aren’t leading their markets by accident. They’ve mastered the art of crafting repeatable processes and then, crucially, applying technology not just for the sake of it but to capture and harness the insights and intelligence within their data to refi ne and perfect those processes. It’s a virtuous cycle of improvement that’s driven by data not hamstrung by the fear of using it. The lesson here is clear. The leaders in the construction industry aren’t those who boast about the volume of data they’ve amassed; they’re the ones who are relentless in their pursuit of leveraging that data. They understand that the true value of data doesn’t lie in its mere existence but in its meaningful, intelligent application. And yet, in the rush towards digital transformation within the construction sector, there’s a notable trend of overeagerness to adopt AI tools like those from Alice Technologies, often without a foundational strategy for leveraging existing technology and data. DEPLOY PROJECT INSIGHTS, NOT JUST SOFTWARE This premature leap can sidestep the critical process of understanding and utilising the foundational data and technology already within a company’s grasp. True innovation in construction doesn’t stem from hastily adopting the latest AI tool, but from strategically deploying technology to draw actionable insights from the data already collected. As Dell Technologies’ fi rst Chief AI Offi cer Jeff Boudreau said recently, “If you have no data or bad data, you’re going to have no AI or bad AI.” It’s essential to build on existing technological capabilities and data comprehension before introducing more complex tools into the mix. This measured approach ensures that when advanced AI technologies are eventually integrated, they are used to their full potential, amplifying the value of the data and technology infrastructure already in place, rather than adding to a disconnected tech landscape. Joel Hutchines is the Chief Product Of cer at Slate TechnologiesNAVIGATE THE LANDSCAPE OF BUILDING BRILLIANCE, WITH NO INTERRUPTIONS UH OH, THE REST IS ONLY FOR SUBSCRIBERS SCAN BELOW TO JOIN THE EXCLUSIVE COMMUNITYNext >