< PreviousAR E N A/ F ranc e 102 sits the historic Chateau de la Bourlie. Often swathed in the fairy tale-esque mist that descends over the region’s fi elds, caves and rivers, the classically turreted castle has stayed in the same noble family for more than 700 years. Now under the stewardship of artist Cyril de Commarque and his family, the idyllic chateau has been sympathetically renovated, brimming once again with the vibrant spirit of a heritage-rich country estate. The chateau is surrounded by a series of gardens, which tell stories of their own: the fi rst is a walled, orna- mental space built in the 17th century; a garden a la Francaise was established in the 1800s, and later, Eng- lish-style landscaping with fruit trees and 250 varieties of roses was incorporated and lovingly maintained by Cryil’s mother, Vera de Commarque. Today, the gardens of the chateau – along with the castle – are safeguarded by the country’s heritage protection laws. Inside the castle’s blond stone walls, time had taken its toll: beams were infested with termites, roofs leaked and windows were in desperate need of repair. Burst pipes and fi zzing electrical cables meant that no insurer would touch it. Upon becoming custodian of the castle in 2010, Cyril consulted with architects Cristiano Ben- zoni and Sophie Thuillier – partners in work and life, who created their Paris-based studio REV after a long stint working with renowned architect Jean Nouvel. Their vision? To restore the castle to its original glory, AMIDST THE ROLLING GREEN HILLS OF THE PERIGORD NOIR REGION OF FRANCE AD_100-111_Arena_French Castle_10974230.indd 10209/12/2019 05:22:34 PMIn the Alcione room, artwork by Galileo Chini hangs beneath the 14th-century vaulted ceilings. The bed was designed by Cyril de Commarque. OPPOSITE PAGE FROM LEFT: The castle is surrounded by wooded hills; La Bourlie's courtyard. AD_100-111_Arena_French Castle_10974230.indd 10309/12/2019 05:22:58 PMIn the large sitting room, an art installation by Cyril de Commarque features tree sculptures inspired by the Japanese cherry trees. AD_100-111_Arena_French Castle_10974230.indd 10409/12/2019 05:23:09 PM103 A R EN A / P e rigo rd N o ir AD_100-111_Arena_French Castle_10974230.indd 10509/12/2019 05:23:20 PMAR E N A/ F ranc e 106 undoing the questionable renovation work that oc- curred in the 19th century. The extensive remodelling necessitated tearing down the partitions and ‘new’ ceil- ings and creating four large living rooms in the main wing. The medieval kitchen was preserved, but comple- mented with a contemporary kitchen where the castle’s chef creates meals using fi ne local ingredients such as truffl es, cheese, foie gras and nuts sourced from the es- tate and nearby markets. The interior decoration, a collaborative effort be- tween Marina de Lagarda and Cyril’s Italian wife, Ortensia Visconti (a journalist and distant relative of Luchino Visconti, a master of historical reconstruction) features a confi dent palette of bright colours, bespoke artworks and one-of-a-kind furniture pieces, which have been handed down from both the Commarque and Visconti families. In the main wing, each room has been decorated the- matically, inspired by the castle’s location as well as the couple’s bohemian imagination. Inside the living area, for example, ‘sakura’ cherry trees, sculpted by Cyril and made of walnut wood taken from La Bourlie’s forest, merge with psychedelic spirals; a brightly lit, contempo- rary lighting pendant hangs over royal blue and olive green velvet-upholstered seating; and mirrored walls create infi nite refl ections, evoking a time warp of sorts. CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT: A sink unit made of Amazonion marble by Cristiano Benzoni; restored antique fl oral wallpaper; a marble sculpture of Napoleon, which sits in one of the living rooms. OPPOSITE PAGE: In the Bellatrix room, a sculpture by Fausto Melotti hangs above a velvet sofa, which matches the peacock-inspired wall colour. AD_100-111_Arena_French Castle_10974230.indd 10609/12/2019 05:23:26 PM“ The elegant castle is steeped in the romance of its history and land ” AD_100-111_Arena_French Castle_10974230.indd 10709/12/2019 05:23:56 PMThe castle’s renovation included the addition of a contemporary kitchen, which connects to the original medieval kitchens. AD_100-111_Arena_French Castle_10974230.indd 10809/12/2019 05:24:04 PM109 A R EN A / P e rigo rd N o ir The blue and green combination can be found else- where in the main wing: the master bedroom features peacock-inspired tones, while in another room, gold and turquoise hues recall the 17th century landscape paint- ings held by the Visconti family collection. A third bed- room is painted International Klein blue, and features a bed dressed in bright blue textiles by Allegra Hicks. A smaller, separate wing has a cosier atmosphere and is speckled with antiquities – the ground fl oor sitting room has a quaint chimneypiece lined with books. The kitchen, which overlooks a jasmine-scented terrace, of- fers a meeting point between the three double bed- rooms, which are themed green, lilac and blue. While once a fortress, the castle is now open to visi- tors, who are welcomed by the Commarque family to stay in one of the many bedrooms. The elegant castle of- fers a perhaps unforgettable retreat – one that’s steeped in the romance of its history and land. chateaudelabourlie.com CLOCKWISE FROM LEFT: The old apiary as been converted into a bathroom for guests; the castle’s verdant gardens; Cyril’s father Godefroy de Commarque with his horses; the main kitchen on the ground fl oor; one of the family’s dogs; avian brass taps. AD_100-111_Arena_French Castle_10974230.indd 10909/12/2019 05:24:19 PM110 A R EN A / P e rigo rd N o ir “ The chateau is surrounded by a series of gardens, which tell stories of their own ” AD_100-111_Arena_French Castle_10974230.indd 11009/12/2019 05:25:00 PMAD_100-111_Arena_French Castle_10974230.indd 11109/12/2019 05:25:09 PMNext >